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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/4 14:20:05  浏览:61914次
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  • 今天是2024年4月16日 星期二 这里是上海国际网红品牌展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展之城提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展之城祝您参展愉快!


    主办单位: MCNetwork、上海摩潮文化发展有限公司

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:20000平方 展商数量:1200家 观众数量:30000人
    新冠肺炎疫情促使零售行业迎来一轮洗牌,以直播电商为代表的社交营销更火了,电商直播成为链接“暂停营业”的商家与“足不出户”的消费者的核心中枢,相关的社交电商平台和应用得到了一次涉及人群**广的下沉,字节跳动及快手在春节期间获得了**大的市场热度, 直播和短视频的观看和消费**惯进一步深入人心。

    淘宝直播在去年双十一带动成交近200亿,直播引导成交已经占到行业整体成交的16%,阿里确定了内容化是淘宝未来三大发展方向之一,同时在规模化KOL爆发的当口, 客户对于KOL的内容生产质量和IP化也愈发关注和重视, 行业进入一个快速增长和爆发期,新的平台和规则在孕育,MCN机构积**调整产业结构,KOL纷纷联合品牌打造自己的达人店铺,品牌方开始孵化和培养自己的网红网络,可以预见在2020年,整个社交营销市场无论在数量和规模体量上都将达到一个前所未有的高度。

    MCNETWORK摩潮文化作为连接KOL和品牌方的展会活动平台公司,在2019年11月20-22日杭州博览中心举办了**届的“网红品牌博览会”暨中国网红大会2019KOL品牌新营销高峰论坛,作为国内**个为所有品牌展商进行线上直播带货的展览,借着行业爆发的春风,吸引了各方的眼球和注目,成功吸引了五百多家品牌方以及3000多位平台、MCN、KOL等专业观众参与展会和同期论坛。在各方客户强烈的反响下,第二届的“国际网红品牌博览会”将于2020年12月9-11日移师上海新国际博览中心举办, 第二届展会预计将在原有基础上增加一倍的展位面积和数量, 同时将加入海外跨境电商、日本联合专场、网红城市、博物馆等多个特色展区,结合原有的品牌展区和MCN联合展区,打造横跨产业链的社交营销盛事。

    美容产品: 日用化妆品、洗涤及个人护理用品、彩妆、香水、面膜、美容护肤品

    食品: 休闲食品、功能性营养食品、进口食品、饮品、乳制品

    家居用品类: 智能电器、厨卫用品、室内清洁、装饰产品

    平台方: 短视频、直播平台、社交平台、电商平台、微商平台

    其他产业: 母婴产品、饮料、电子产品、批发商、零售商

    营销机构: 微商、MCN、KOL、第三方服务商、广告公司、综合推广解决方案提供商

    供应商: AI人工智能、人脸识别、云服务解决方案

    其他: 行业媒体、协会、园区等

    Sponsored by: MCNetwork, Shanghai Mochao Culture Development Co., Ltd

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 20,000 square exhibitors Number: 1200 Number of visitors: 30,000 people
    In 2020, a sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia prompted the retail industry ushered in a round of reshuffle, to live e-commerce as the representative of social marketing more fire, e-commerce live-streaming to link the "suspended business" business and "full home" consumer core hub, the relevant social e-commerce platform and applications have been involved in a very large crowd sinking, byte beat and fast hand during the Spring Festival to obtain the greatest market heat, Live and short video viewing and consumption habits are further rooted in people's hearts.

    Taobao live in last year's double eleven led to nearly 20 billion transactions, live-streaming guide transactions have accounted for 16% of the industry as a whole, Ali identified content is one of Taobao's three major future development directions, at the same time in the scale of KOL outbreak, customers for KOL content production quality and IP also more attention and attention, the industry into a period of rapid growth and explosion, new platforms and rules in the breeding, MCN institutions actively adjust the industrial structure, KOL have joint brand to build their own stores. Brands are starting to incubate and nurture their own networks, and it is expected that by 2020 the entire social marketing market will reach an unprecedented level in terms of both volume and size.

    MCNETWORK Mo tide culture as a link KOL and brand side of the exhibition platform company, in November 20-22, 2019 Hangzhou Expo Center held the first "Net Red Brand Expo" and China Net Red Conference 2019 KOL brand new marketing summit forum, as the first domestic online live-streaming exhibition for all brand exhibitors, through the spring breeze of the industry, attracted the attention and attention of all parties, successfully attracted more than 500 brands and more than 3000 platforms, MCN, KOL and other professional audiences to participate in the exhibition and contemporaneous forum. Under the strong response of all customers, the second "International Net Red Brand Expo" will be moved to Shanghai New International Expo Center on December 9-11, 2020, the second exhibition is expected to double the original size and number of booths, while joining overseas cross-border e-commerce, Japan Joint Special, Net Red City, Museum and other special exhibition areas, combined with the original brand exhibition area and MCN joint exhibition area, to create a cross-industry chain of social events.

    The scope of the exhibits
    Beauty products: daily cosmetics, washing and personal care products, makeup, perfumes, masks, beauty skin care products

    Food: Snack food, functional nutritional food, imported food, beverages, dairy products

    Household items: smart appliances, kitchen supplies, indoor cleaning, decorative products

    Platform: short video, live platform, social platform, e-commerce platform, micro-business platform

    Other industries: mother and child products, beverages, electronics, wholesalers, retailers

    Marketing agencies: micro-business, MCN, KOL, third-party service providers, advertising agencies, integrated promotional solutions providers

    Vendors: AI artificial intelligence, face recognition, cloud service solutions

    Other: Industry media, associations, parks, etc

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海网红品牌展  
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